Outpatient rehabilitation
Outpatient rehabilitation is where a patient travels to our hospital for therapy sessions and returns home on the same day.
Individualised treatment plans and group programs will assist you to reach your goals. Your first visit usually includes a complete assessment by our therapists to identify the rehabilitation goals and develop a treatment plan.
At Dorset Rehabilitation Centre we provide the following outpatient programs that many be beneficial to your ongoing health and well being:
If you have been diagnosed with arthritis and you have aches and pains in the joints then this program is especially for you.
You may also attend if you are awaiting joint replacement surgery or have undergone replacement more than six months ago.
Therapeutic exercise helps decrease pain and increase function in arthritic joints by increasing muscle strength to support the joint.
A good understanding of the disease helps people make wise choices in the management of arthritis.
The aim of this program is to safely help you:
- Reduce and manage your pain
- Increase your movement and strength
- Improve your posture
- Develop skills to manage your arthritis
The program is tailored to individual needs.
Participants may be included in a group program which includes runs twice a week for eight weeks.
This includes individual and final assessments with a Physiotherapist and an Occupational Therapist.
Our knowledge of a broad range of community resources and facilities ensures that the transition from rehabilitation back to the community is as smooth and successful as possible, and that the patient continues to improve with the support you require.
Access to Services
Access to The Arthritis Program is available via referral from your local GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact us on 03 83719477.
At Dorset Rehabilitation Centre, we provide comprehensive inpatient and outpatient falls and balance programs on an individual or group basis.
All programs are tailored to address the needs of our patients, to minimise the risks of falling and increase their independence.
The Program
Our multidisciplinary team of health professions, under the guidance of a rehabilitation physician conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop an individual rehabilitation plan according to the requirements of the patient.
This program may include:
- Balance retraining
- Strengthening and stretching exercises
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Falls prevention education
- Community mobility and a home assessment (if required).
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following:
- Rehabilitation Physicians / Geriatricians
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Rehabilitation Nurses.
Access to Services
Access to any of the services listed above is available via referral from your local GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact us on 03 83719477
Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to educate, recondition and improve functional confidence with increased endurance for patients following cardiac conditions, or surgery.
We offer inpatient (Phase I) and outpatient (Phase II) comprehensive rehabilitation services.
Once the patients are medically stable and actively able to participate in their own recovery The Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator will develop a tailored cardiac management plan tailored to your needs.
These goals often include:
- Maximising physical, psychological, and social recovery
- Minimising the progression of coronary artery disease
- Reducing risk factors and adopting a healthier lifestyle
- Successful return to work, home and recreational activities.
Patients who have recently had cardiac surgery, or who have been in hospital for management of cardiac disease, may benefit from an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program.
The Program
Each patient is assessed individually, and a team of health professionals develop a rehabilitation plan according to the individual's particular needs.
This program may include:
- Physiotherapy - exercise and education aimed at improving strength, function and mobility
- Occupational Therapy – learning and practicing ways to manage self-care in preparation for going home and safely resuming your daily routine
- Graded activity programs – to progressively increase general strength and endurance
- Education about heart disease and eating for heart health
- Information about medication management All our inpatients are referred to our outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program (Phase II) or so they will continue to be supported during their recovery once home.
Access to Services
Access to any of the services listed above is available via referral from your local GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact our Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator on 03 83719477
This program is designed for people who have been recently physically de-conditioned as a result of having had prolonged hospitalisation and treatment.
The benefits of the program
- Improved knowledge and understanding of cancer
- Strategies for completing everyday tasks without excessive fatigue
- Improved cardiovascular fitness
- Improved overall strength and endurance
- Improved ability to socialise
- Increased capacity to return to work, sport or leisure pursuits
- Improved self-esteem and overall quality of life.
It is suited for people who:
- Have difficulty performing everyday tasks such as cleaning, ironing, gardening, shopping or would like to return to work
- Are struggling walking up or down stairs
- Are unable to walk for longer than 5 - 10 minutes on flat ground
- Feel they are not coping or are not achieving the quality of life they feel they should be
- Have issues with fatigue and general lethargy.
Our team
All sessions are provided by our experienced health professionals which include:
- Rehabilitation Physician
- Accredited Exercise Physiologist
- Dietitian
- Occupational Therapist
- Social Worker
- Psychologist Referrals to additional services can be made if necessary.
Access to services
Access to any of the services listed above is available via referral from your local GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact us on 03 83719477
Dorset Rehabilitation Centre provides rehabilitation services for people following hip and knee replacements, as well as other types of surgery or trauma involving bones and joints.
Through therapy, exercise and education, our nursing staff, allied health professionals and rehabilitation specialists aim to improve movement and strength, which have usually decreased following surgery.
This therapy, combined with arranging any equipment or home modifications that are needed, is aimed at restoring independence and enabling a safe return home.
Suitable Patients
Patients who have undergone hip or knee surgery, either for the first time or following a revision, may need rehabilitation, if unable to return home independently.
Patients who have had trauma following a motor vehicle accident or a work place injury.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Rehabilitation Physicians
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Physiotherapists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Allied Health Assistants
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Dietitians.
The program
Each patient is assessed individually, and a team of accredited and employed health professionals develops a rehabilitation plan according to the individual's particular needs.
This program may include:
- Physiotherapy - exercise and education aimed at improving strength, function and mobility
- Occupational Therapy – learning and practicing ways to manage self-care in preparation for going home and safely resuming your daily routine
- Hydrotherapy – exercise in warm, shallow water
- Balance groups – to increase mobility and confidence
- Activity groups – to restore skills and physical capabilities.
Access to services
Access to the services listed above is available via referral.
Your GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or insurance company will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a medical specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can organise your admission or enrolment into a program.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please call Dorset Rehabilitation Centre on 03 83719477.
Pain is a vital protective mechanism of our body, indicating an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with actual or potential damage.
Unfortunately in 20% of the population, pain persists when there is no further injury occurring.
Research has not revealed why pain persists in this population but recent studies show anatomical and physiological changes in the pain system.
The pain system has become sensitised, meaning it is hyper vigilant and reacts to stimulus that is not normally painful.
We know that learning to manage your condition is a difficult process that requires real commitment on your part.
We offer a supportive environment that will enable you build strength and resilience to achieve your goals and aspirations and engage in a meaningful life despite the presence of pain.
Program aims
The Pain Rehabilitation Program teaches you self-management strategies that help decrease the impact of pain on your life, and allows you the confidence to engage with life in a more active and meaningful way.
This involves:
- Education about pain and the changes in your pain system
- Strategies that you can undertake physically
- Learning strategies such as pacing and activity planning to assist you in completing daily tasks
- Learning to integrate all these strategies into functional activities in the workplace or at home
- Providing emotional strategies, supporting positive coping strategies and helping to identify and mange negative thoughts and habits.
What is involved?
Various programs are available and are tailored to meet your individual needs.
Program options can include:
- Intensive Outpatient program
- Inpatient program.
You will need to be assessed by our team to determine your suitability to engage the program.
Our program has a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach and involves a team comprising of the following accredited or employed health professionals:
- Doctors
- Physiotherapist
- Exercise physiologist
- Psychologist
- Occupational therapist.
The program involves both individual and group based sessions.
Expected outcomes
On completion of the program we anticipate that you will achieve the following:
- Knowledge of pain and how changes to your pain system influence your pain experience
- Self-management of your pain using physical, practical and emotional strategies
- Increased level of participation in activities of daily life
- Feel more in control of your pain
- Improved confidence about your physical abilities
- Return to work/increased work duties and hours, if appropriate
- Increased participation in social and recreational activities Remember there is no cure for persistent pain.
Our treatment aims to teach you how to manage your pain more effectively, allowing you to get on with your life.
This program requires your active participation and a willingness to expand your knowledge and beliefs about pain and implement self-management strategies.
Support from family and social networks is important in the long term management of pain conditions.
For more information regarding the program please contact:
Pain Program Co-ordinator Ph: 03 83719477
Access to Services
Access to the Pain Rehabilitation Program is available via referral.
Your GP, physician, surgeon or allied health professional will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a private specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can organise your admission or enrolment into a program.
Dorset Rehabilitation Centre provides Pulmonary Rehabilitation for inpatients and outpatients.
The Pulmonary Program (outpatient phase) is a structured group program run over eight weeks on an outpatient basis.
The aims of this program are:
- To improve physical capacity
- To integrate activity/exercise into day-to-day routine
- To increase confidence and participation in social and community activities
- To introduce lifestyle changes based on self-management principles
- To improve quality of life and minimise dependence on health care services
- To educate participants about their respiratory status
- To facilitate emotional adjustment to chronic illness.
Suitable patients
People who have:
- Frequent visits to hospital for their respiratory condition
- The motivation to participate in a self-management program
- Reduced capacity for exercise
- Reduced ability to do daily activities (functional capacity)
- Reduced independence in day to day activities due to respiratory status
- Surgery coming up that may reduce lung function
- A need for medication education
- The ability to travel to and from Dorset Rehabilitation Centre.
People who are current smokers are not accepted into the program.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following accredited or employed health professionals:
- Physiotherapists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Social Workers
- Pharmacists
- Dietitians.
Each patient is assessed individually, and a team of health professionals develop a rehabilitation plan according to the individual’s particular needs.
This program may include:
- Physiotherapy and education aimed at improving strength, function and mobility
- Keeping an exercise diary and participate in a walking program at home
- Occupational Therapy education and training to better manage domestic and community activities of daily living
- Education about anatomy, physiology, pathology, medication and oxygen therapy
- Learning about managing symptoms and when to seek help
- Support in living well with a chronic illness
- Information about community resources and support services that will help you to stay on track.
Access to services
Access to the services listed above is available via referral.
Your GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or insurance company will be able to assist you with obtaining a referral to a medical specialist who is accredited at the hospital and who can organise your admission or enrolment into a program.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please call the Admissions Coordinator at Dorset Rehabilitation Centre on 03 83719477 or use the form provided in the 'Doctors' section of this website.
The neurological rehabilitation service at Dorset Rehabilitation Centre aims to provide best possible recovery and the most independent lifestyle for people following a Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis or other neurological conditions.
Through comprehensive assessment and provision of a wide range of therapies our nursing staff, allied health professionals and rehabilitation physicians strive to ensure the most optimal outcome for each individual patient, allowing them to resume a fulfilling lifestyle.
Our facilities include:
- Physiotherapy treatment areas
- Gymnasium
- Hydrotherapy pool
- Activities areas
- Daily living skills training rooms.
Suitable patients
People who have recently been impaired as a result of a neurological event or ongoing neurological conditions. Impairments may include reduced balance, mobility, arm and hand function, impaired speech, memory and/or concentration, walking, as well as emotional or behavioural problems
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Rehabilitation Physicians
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Pathologists
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Exercise Physiologists
- Dietitians.
The program
Each patient is assessed individually and our team of health professionals develop a rehabilitation plan according to the individual's particular needs.
This program may include:
- Physical re-training and conditioning, often involving a special gym and activity program
- Retraining in day-to-day skills, including areas such as driving, home and leisure activities
- Developing problem solving skills and learning to compensate for memory difficulties
- Exercise to restore speech and language skills such as clarity of speech
- Help with swallowing problems, for example by altering the texture of food and drinks, or modifying posture
- Learning to use equipment, home modifications or support services where required
- Supportive adjustment and educational counselling to assist dealing with the complex and broad issues associated with neurological conditions
- Exercises and activities at home following discharge.
Access to services
Access to any of the services listed above is available via referral from your GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance. Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact us on 03 83719477.
Dorset Rehabilitation Centre provides a comprehensive trauma rehabilitation services for both inpatients and outpatients.
The rehabilitation team comprising of Rehabilitation Physicians, specialist nursing and allied health professionals, will develop an individualised program based on the patient and family goals.
The aims of our program may include the following:
- Management of pain
- Increased movement, strength and endurance
- Independence with mobility (with or without walking aids/wheelchair)
- Independence in self-care
- Safe return home (including modification of the home if necessary) with suitable follow-up, or discharge to supported accommodation if required
- Return to a full life including work, leisure and family activities
- Psycho- social support to address the distress associated with the traumatic event.
Suitable patients
Any person who has suffered a traumatic injury at work, as a result of a traffic accident, or at home and is unable to return to their previous functional level.
Following a traumatic event and admission at an acute facility, our Rehabilitation Liaison Coordinators, who are highly qualified rehabilitation nurses, visit the acute facility to conduct an assessment and determine whether our centre is appropriate for rehabilitation.
Each patient is assessed individually, and our team of specialised health professionals develop a rehabilitation plan according to the individual's particular needs.
This program may include:
- Physiotherapy and education aimed at improving strength, function and mobility of muscles and joints
- Hydrotherapy treatment in a heated pool
- Occupational Therapy education and training to manage self-care in preparation for returning home
- Graded activity programs to progressively increase general strength and endurance
- Discussion and problem-solving relating to adjustment to the trauma and/or injury, and any difficulty that may arise due to hospitalisation or inability to work.
Referral to vocational rehabilitation services as required.
We accept patients who are funded by TAC, WorkCover, Department of Veterans Affairs, private health insurance, as well as those who are self-funding.
Members of our experienced multidisciplinary team include the following health professionals:
- Rehabilitation Physicians
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Social Workers
- Psychologists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Dietitians
- Speech Pathologists
- Allied Health Assistants.
Access to services
Access to any of the services listed above is available via referral from your local GP, physician, surgeon, allied health professional or health insurance.
Patients may also refer themselves, or be referred by their family.
To make a referral, please contact us on 03 83719477.